Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Ooh, Sigh!

You know expired food right? Well let me tell you... expired is not a good thing. We got this thing here at my house I like to call it Snack Mountain. There's soda, water, chips, and nuts. And its all piled in a spare recycling bin. We looked through it tonight and found about 40 expired cans of root beer. Over a year expired. And we don't even buy root beer anymore. We dumped 'em all and filled our recycle thing up with cans! And there was old beer and gatorade and we, my brother and I that is, got it all over our hands and clothes. Yuck! Ooh, sigh what a job! We organized the cabinets and found year expired vegetable stock. (Ew. I didn't even know we bought that!) And I cleaned out our hanging basket thingy and there was old rice and crap. Dang! I hope that never happens again. Oh and in our fridge there was an apple that was all rotten. I say, if it's still leave it lay, but if it walks, run away! Nothin' like nice squishy mutant fruit.

Randall is doing pretty good for someone who just had teeth pulled. He ate some non-expired soft eggs and a smoothie. I had some pasta. (That was not expired.) At the store they have all this weird stuff like meatless meat and sausage flavored muffins or something. I keep asking if we can just TRY some Tofurky. It's turkey flavored they say! They have it all there, non-dairy cheese, meatless meat, tofu burgers and soy tacos! But the answer is always that I'll hate it and it's expensive and why buy THAT? But I like soy milk and I have some soy crisps but they taste funny but I still want to buy Tofurky because I'm tired of eating just Turkey all the time. Then they ask why I want to be a vegetarian and it is too much trouble and if you don't feel good protein sources like chicken or something are much lighter and easier to eat. That's not to say Tofurky isn't good I just don't know yet because I haven't bought any. But maybe I will. As long as it's not expired.

But wow if I could make dinner again. Oh I should! I make great salads and sandwiches and things like that and crackers! But ooh, sigh. Well Spring semester starts in a few days and driver's ed and my midterm thingy and stuff so there's much to do. And I am sad because Randall has WAY more celebrity autographs than me because celebrities like him and my only autograph from Fritz Coleman who isn't even THAT famous I gave to him but I wish I hadn't. He has one from these jazz guys and Harrison Ford, and Sacha Baron Cohen, and Rosanne Cash, and ME! (Because he wanted one from me but I'm not even THAT famous probably less than Fritz Coleman.) So I should challenge him if ever I find the time and write to all these people and ask them for autographs. But I don’t care that much anyway but it's good to write your feelings because you can't hide from your feelings and I should write in my other blog again because people will think I’m nuts and dumb from reading here but that's the point! My other blog is just what I've been doing and stuff but I haven't updated it. I will! Oh Country Fried Home Videos is so funny! And tonight Lost is on but I'm tired and not that much TV for me but I guess Lost because why not? It's Lost! I love you people but it depends who you are, maybe I don't if you aren't my friends but if you ARE then of course I do! So anyway by. Ooh, sigh I am tired. Great Success!

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