Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Mystery of The Missing Change

How much longer are you going to look for your lost change?

Do you ever wish you had more change? Like are you ever just a few cents short of a soda or something? For example... today at school I really wanted to buy a granola bar. They cost seventy-five cents a pop. So I look through my bag and I find two quarters right away no problem. Then I find a dime. Yay! So then I look around, shake it all about lalala finally a nickel, and then another nickel. My wallet is empty because I bought something last week. But then a surprise... three pennies! Right in there. But the problem is I need two more cents.

I thought of saving my efforts to acquire the granola bar but somehow I just KNEW if I looked hard enough I could find it. So I look on the ground and under a bench and I find a penny! Then I go to the store and take a penny from the Take A Penny Leave A Penny Tray. Luckily for me... there was no tax. SO then as a good girl as I am I went to the bathroom and washed my hands and sat down on some bench and ate my granola bar but now I need to find some more change because everybody knows that at one time or another they might just want a bottle of water or maybe a Coke or maybe a new pencil or paper or something like that.

Anyway sometimes I find money in my jeans and it goes through the washer and I then I can't find it again. I KNEW I had some spare change in my jeans but then where did it go? Then I realized that it went in the washing machine. So I got it and it was really clean, it even smelled good. But I'm fine, it's not like I HAD to have that granola bar and all... OR DID I??? That's the mystery of it. I always lose my change but when I least expect it... AHAH! There it is... not always quite enough but maybe it's good that they invented change and all so that it gives you something to lose in your pockets and helps your counting skills.

Anyway I always see change on the ground but it's always a penny and my hands or full or the ground is dirty or something so I rarely pick it up. They say you only should pick it up if it's heads up. You know like that game you play in grade school "Head's Up Seven-Up"? I don't remember the point of that game but the important thing is that has something to do with change. Wait no it doesn't. I'm tired. I bet if the family knew I was on the computer being a little dork they'd say "get off". It's funny... I never have time for crap 'cept at night and that's only some days but why do this when I could do anything else? Hmm... I dunno. Anyway I think it's very mysterious how change is always lost or found or something like on the ground or maybe in your jeans but anyway the point is you should always pay in bills in exact change or maybe just not buy anything because it's overpriced at the school store. Always remember to TIE YOUR SHOES. (Cause otherwise you might trip.)

I wonder if Joaquin ever found his change. It's funny I don't remember that part of "Walk The Line" when he's looking for his change so maybe it's a deleted scene or maybe that really happened in real life and someone happened to capture that exact moment. I always feel bad for people who lose things because that happens to me like everyday. Oh, you know I just thought of something, if you have NO change but cash then you can ask for change. Wait! Then you can pay in cash. I guess no one ever told Joaquin that. Shame. Respek y'all.

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